My art journey - how I got started

When I was a little child, I would spend hours and hours, drawing and writing, writing and drawing. The time would vanish as I disappeared into a world of my own. Gradually my small drawings became larger oil paintings, exhibited at school, and later bought by friends and colleagues. My writing became short stories and poetry which sometimes won prizes.

When life as an adult began, there seemed to be less hours to dive into. Real life was work in every sense, and yet I always made time to create and send newsy letters home. As the years went by however, my artworks became small doodles once more and the gaps between the written word grew further apart.

Years later, when my father, himself a prolific painter, philosopher and theologist, died in 2021, I pulled out my old sketch pad and started painting again. Art seemed the perfect way to speak my grief aloud and find a way to keep dad close.

Getting ready for my first exhibition in February 2021. Really successful exhibition but it was a sad occasion for me at times. I thought if I painted enough pictures, Dad might show up. On the final day of the exhibition, I cried when I remembered he was never coming back.

And I've been painting and writing ever since, and while some days without my dad are painful, I feel his presence ever nearer. I suspect he would enjoy the art I'm making, or at least be smiling with a parent's unconditional pride.

I'm happy to be here sharing my art and words with you. Art is a journey made for sharing.

Thank you for finding me.

Nina x



A Happy Place

When I paint, the hours seem to whizz past and I enter another world. Maybe I enter the world of my paintings - dreamy landscapes where I can create the world Iā€™d prefer to be, natural scenes, peaceful, timeless and safe.


Paint Like an Emu