The Elements of Joy


Abstract acrylic painting with alcohol inks, painted from a deep desire to express the physical energy of bottled creativity.

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Abstract acrylic painting with alcohol inks, painted from a deep desire to express the physical energy of bottled creativity.

Abstract acrylic painting with alcohol inks, painted from a deep desire to express the physical energy of bottled creativity.

“The Elements of Joy”

8” x 12” (19” x 23” framed)

Acrylics/alcohol inks on paper

Original artwork

Double mounted and framed, strung ready for hanging

I painted The Elements of Joy in an act of courage. The result is a lively display of energy, reminiscent of a kite dancing in the wind. Its playful design evokes the feeling of liberation which comes when you throw caution to the wind, and dive heart-first straight into emotion. The essential elements of joy to me are freedom, courage and love.

When I made this painting, I’d been blocked for a few months in my creative practice. Confidence was at a low ebb. Painting after painting had failed to express my feelings. I was very frustrated. One day, I suddenly decided to just do it! I told myself I had nothing to lose but some ink and paper. Working quickly I laid down the first marks using alcohol ink, a new medium for me at the time. I liked the marks I made, especially the sharper peaks at the top, which descended into a softer acceptance. I decided to use primary colours for a change, which I desaturated with white. Smaller marks and more deliberate shapes followed next as the flow of joy came bolder and more freely. A brand new style began to emerge, one which expresses newfound wisdom and experience of having come through a difficult period, into a fresher, honest world.